Healthline Magazine

Healthline Magazine

12 Reasons Why You Might Use a Condom or Other Barrier Method

I had the pleasure of interviewing with journalist Gabrielle Kassel for Healthline about reasons you might use a condom or other barrier method. Here’s an excerpt:

So, what does perfect use look like, exactly? Pleasure-positive sex educator Reba Corrine Thomas, CEO of Sexpert Consultants, explains:

Don’t double bag.
Check the expiration date.
Put it on before any genital contact occurs.
Leave 1 to 2 centimeters of space for the ejaculate to go.
Use with lube.
Avoid oil-based lubes, arousal oils, or massage oils that degrade latex.
Pull out if the wearer starts to lose their erection.
Use a new condom every single time.

Thomas calls out that lube is wayyy more important than you realize.

“Friction is the main thing that can cause condoms to break or rip,” she explains. Lube reduces this friction.

Check out the full article on Healthline below!



Healthline Magazine

Healthline Magazine